Monday, January 31, 2011


As part of Hi-Ex's commitment to developing comic talent in the Highlands, they will be running a brilliant bunch of smaller events in 2011.
This weekend at Eden Court Inverness, Vicky Stonebridge (one half of Hi-Ex) will show you how to combine recycling, storytelling and drawing skills to make great fun minii-comics.
Bring scrap paper, ribbons, packaging, wrapping paper, shiny things and loads of imagination!

Booking details HERE.

Sarwan should have been the obvious choice

Well with the current West Indies team facing an acute crisis for talent in terms of both players in form and without it, maintaining the current players who are at least with good class if not in form is quintessential for the West Indies team. The current West Indies team has fellow players like Chris Gayle, Shivnarine Chanderapaul and Dwayne Bravo who can save some face for their team with decent if not extraordinary batting performances. If not for Brian Lara - who retired after the world cup in 2007, none of the players in the current West Indian team have been given the axe.

Now, with the inclusion of Ramnaresh Sarwan, another partial boost to their batting line up can be thought of provided Sarwan is well inform and is included in the playing XI. If not for Nikita Miller and Carlton Baugh, some of the remaining West Indian players seem to be the same with others seeming not so promising like Andre Rusell, Ravi Rampaul and Kemar Roach. None of these players' names have been ever heard in international cricket news be it for the good reasons or for the bad. West Indies has big hitting batsmen like Gayle, Sarwan, Chanderapaul and Kieron Pollard off late.

With the schedule of the world cup being so liberal, it would come as no surprise that West Indies will surely make it to the quarter finals even if they manage wins against Bangladesh, Ireland and Netherlands considering their losses against India, South Africa and England. Coming to Sarwan's case, Sarwan should be the obvious choice rather than tossing a coin before deciding his inclusion or omission from the squad. If Ramnaresh Sarwan's name has to be dropped, then the West Indies team will have to fly to the subcontinent with only 14 players who can officially represent their team.

The 15th member will only be filling the vacancy left over by Sarwan.One can sense the lack of real life thoughts with the West Indies cricket board naming Darren Sammy as the captain of the world cup touring squad but, I guess should be a positive move which on one hand gives Chris Gayle an opportunity to concentrate on his batting. WICB is believed to have learned their lessons when Brian Lara was made the captain which in turn affected his batting to a little extent though not as much as Sachin Tendulkar. However, in case by chance West Indies manage to make a mark in the quarter finals like they did in 1996, that would be relished for their fans for a long period.

Looking beyond the best

Well my routine check on the search engine for the best online casino has so far not found to deceive me in any manner and instead has only made me more and more desirous to find more of them. But, why should anyone look further when he or she has found the best of things that he has been looking for so long? Well, the reason is that there is always something beyond the best and so is the case with online casinos. If you are a casino freak, you would know it better than me and if you are not, just click above and do come back to the site again.

6 Penemuan paling konyol pada abad ke-20

Abad ke-20 ditandai dengan sejumlah penemuan-penemuan hebat yang mengubah kehidupan manusia. Ada penemuan mobil canggih, juga internet. Di abad tersebut manusia bahkan mampu menjejakkan kakinya ke Bulan.

Namun, tak semua penemuan itu layak dimasukkan dalam buku sejarah. Sebab, beberapa temuan dinyatakan gagal, bahkan konyol. Apa saja temuan yang masuk kategori tak berguna itu?

1. TV Kacamata, 1963. Penemu, Hugo Gernsback memakai kacamata TV, produk itu tak pernah dirilis.

2. Papan seluncur bermotor. Penemu asal Hollywood, Joe Gilpin mengendarai papan luncur bermotor pada 1948.

3. Kandang bayi berkawat yang diletakkan di luar jendela. Seorang pengasuh bayi mengawasi bayi yang dimasukkan dalam kandang kawat yang berada di luar jendela gedung tinggi pada tahun 1937. Kandang ini dibagikan pada anggota Chelsea Baby Club di London yang tak memiliki taman atau yang tega menempatkan bayi mereka di atas jalanan yang ramai.

4. Payung rokok antihujan. Presiden Zeus Corp, Robert L. Stern, menggunalan payung rokok yang ia rancang sendiri pada 1954. Tak bakal basah walau hujan.

5. Elektrometer Hubbart. Penulis fiksi ilmiah dan pendiri gereja aliran Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard menggunakan elektrometer Hubbard untuk mencari tahu apakah tomat merasakan sakit pada tahun 1968.

Apa yang ia lakukan berujung pada kesimpulan: 'tomat menjerit saat dipotong'.

6. Robot penembak. Sebuah robot yang dilengkapi dengan senapan diadu dengan penembak manusia pada 1960. Ini menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan, bijaksanakah melengkapi robot dengan pistol.


Cara membuat highlighting current page

Highlighting Current Page atau Current Menu biasanya diartikan sebagai penanda halaman aktif untuk saat ini ketika user berada dalam halaman tertentu, misalkan dalam halaman Home, About, Help us dan Contact.Penanda tersebut bisa bermacam-macam bentuknya,ada yang ditandai dengan disoroti dengan warna,atau bentuk yang berbeda dengan page/laman yang lainnya.Jika anda tertarik dengan tutorial ini,silahkan untuk ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:

1. Silahkan langsung tuju ke halaman Edit HTML

2. Letakan kode CSS dibawah tepat diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
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3. Kemudian silahkan cari kode dibawah ini dalam barisan kode pada halaman Edit HTML

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Agar Efek Current Page / Menu befungsi, anda harus mengganti tanda # diatas dengan alamat url post yang aktif.Ganti juga HOME,ABOUT,HELP US,CONTACT dengan nama Page yang anda

Pagani Zonda Cinque akan datang pada game Car Town!

Gambar pagani zonda diatas merupakan mobil yang akan diluncurkan oleh car town di facebook ini.Mobil ini bernama Pagani Zonda Cinque,yang mungkin akan menjadi mobil kelas "Bintang" seperti McLaren F1 yang sudah ada.Diperkirakan harganya berkisar $ 2.000.000(2 juta dollar)Mungkin mobil ini akan menjadi saingan berat McLaren F1 yang memiliki speed yang tinggi.Demikian sekilas info untuk para penggemar car town yang mungkin akan mengumpulkan koin untuk mobil baru ini.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beer Pong - New UK tournament.

Strange Games has been contacted by Ben Newham, a leading pisshead light in the UK Beer Pong scene.  He is staging a major UK Beer Pong event next Saturday the 5th of February in Cheltenham. Up to 32 teams are playing for prizes totalling £500.  Just think of how much cheap cider you could buy with that. So I thought it was about time I featured this marvelous sport. 
Beer Pong is possibly the

Henry Cavill is Superman

Deadline have broken the story that British actor Henry Cavill will be playing Superman in Zack Synder's forthcoming Superman movie.
He certainly looks the part:

He's all hunking and that, and by all accounts, he's a rather good actor also.

It's amusing to the read the comments below the story linked above- apparently some people can tell that this film is going to 'suck' already! What makes this even more amazing is that the film is not due for release until December 2012- yes, TWO YEARS from now, and yet the great sages of the web can tell it will be rubbish. Don't you just love the internet?

Songs of the Wolf review

Before I begin, I should point out that I am not a fan of what you would call the ‘fantasy’ genre. Perhaps I should revaluate this position, because as with Engineering Infinity where I discovered that I actually did like hard sci-fi stories, I found myself enjoying this book a great deal.

I should also point out that this is not actually one novel but a collected edition featuring two novellas: The Wolf’s Sister and The Wolf’s Mate. In reality though, they are both chapters in the same tale.
One of the things that in my experience destroys the experience of reading a novel in a fantasy setting is the lack of world building, or too much world building for that matter. Some fantasy writers are too interested in the wonderful universe they have created and spend more time explaining their clever back stories and the history of their races than on little things like character and plot. Obviously, I’m not naming anyone here, but we all know who I’m Tolkien about...

Where was I? Oh yeah- world building. It’s something that RF Long does with an admirable skill and subtle touch. There is not too much detail or dense background provided (the whole book runs to a slim- for a fantasy book- 240-odd pages) and what detail she does provide is inserted well, so that it does not come over as exposition.

The characters are also very well realised, with the arc of the main protagonist, Jeren, particularly well written and enjoyable- her frustrations, her feelings, her fears- they are all communicated expertly- again, without the need for clumsy exposition. If I keep going on about this, it is because it is a skill a surprising number of writers do not seem to be bothered with.

Things I didn't like? One of my other problems with fantasy books are the character names. I find loads of apostrophes and the like in names to be distracting, and Long does employ them here sometimes, but she has the sense to shorten character names to make them easier to digest.
Something I thought I would not enjoy was the prospect of reading a romance story. But breathe easy men! I have to confess that my expectations on this front were not high, but again, Long deals with the relationship between the two main characters in such a way as to have the romance and their growing feelings for each other a constant part of the story, but not overpowering the plot in any way. And, I should add that there is plenty of action in here too- and it is written in a lovely fluid style.

All in all, this is well worth hunting out, but it does end at exactly the wrong moment (or, rather- exactly the right moment)- there is still much of the story left to tell, and I hope she returns to it soon.

Songs of the Wolf is available from Samhain Publishing.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Forum S3condsz

Mari Kita Share tentang Pengalaman kalian,Tutorial,Informasi,bakat kalian,dll di
Forum S3condsz.

Bagian Tutorial Ragnarok Offline yang akan kita bahas juga. serta membantu kalian yang tidak sukses dalam menjalankan Server Ragnarok.

so tunggu apa lagi?

ayo Register dan Share Pengalaman kalian di sini.

Kami Tunggu Kehadiran Kalian.

Cheat Hair Style Gayus !!!

Tools :

Cheat Engine


1.Play ninja saga sampe masuk desa

2.Buka ce open proces plugins container atau kalau ga ada klik yg gambar mozzila aja

3.Value type ganti jadi text , centang unicode
4.Di NS masuk ke style shop cari yg rambut mohawk kalau udah jumpa kluar aja lagi , jgn di apa2in ya
5.Di ce scan 10_0 , ntr nemu banyak addres pindahin smua ke bawah
6.Kalau udah pindah smua , ubah valuenya jadi 31_0
7.Masuk ke style shop lagi , liat rambut mohawak tadi , TADAAAA pasi berubah , tinggal di submit aja
8.Kalau udah relod aja ns nya , masuk lagi dan liat deh rambutnya PRMANEN

Code : 001 - 008

NB : Ne Cuman Boongan Gan, Juskid.......


Friday, January 28, 2011

Cheat “Critical Strike & Dodge” 100% Work

Oke Guys, Pecinta game Ninja Saga, nieh ada Cheat untuk kalian. Mungkin beberapa dari kalian ada yang udah pernah denger nieh Cheat. Ya, No Problem, postingan ini cuma untuk sharing juga sama yang belum tau Sekadar berbagi, langsung aja deh kita ikutin caranya :

Butuh Tool CE 5.6 and Browser

1. masuk ke ninja saga anda dan masuk ke profil
2. buka Cheat engine dan pilih plugin.container.exe jika anda menggunakan mozilla fire fox diprocess list
3. klik Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only mem
4. Scan “a93f9a9999999999a93f”
5. nanti akan didapat sebuah address,klik 2x akan masuk ke kedalam list
6. gandakan item tersebut (copy – paste)
7. pada item pertama klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F5
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 1 >>
change record >> value >> isikan
” F03F000000000000F03F “
8. pada item kedua klik kanan
- set a hot key.
set hotkey dengan F6
>>selanjutnya klik ok trus klik kanan di adres 2>>
change record >> value >> isikan
” A93F000000000000F03F “
9. sekarang mainkan ninja saga, jangan lupa tekan F5(dodge mode).
sekaran setiap serangan akan dodge.
10. ketika akan menyerang tekan F6 (critical mode)
11. jangan lupa aktifkan dodge mode ketika akan diserang,
dan critical mode ketika akan menyerang, sebab musuhpun akan Critical atau dodge.

CATATAN: untuk kode F5 dan F6 bisa di rubah sesuai keinginan kalian…^_^

Video tutorial membuat iPhone dalam photoshop

Berikut video pembuatan iPhone pada photshop cs.Ikuti langkah-langkahnya:

Video Spongebob bahasa jawa

Video spongebob jawa ini saya ambil dari youtube.Silahkan menonton:

New Game : POCKIE NINJA The official Naruto vs Bleach

Ada Game Seru gan, (keliatannya shiy)
Ayo dulu²an bikin Char, Trus Bikin Cheatnya dehh,,,
Ini game baru keluaran game321 dan Ngame, rumah produksi yg juga ngeluarin game fairy story, DDTanks ama Caesary. Soal cerita dan gameplay nya belum ada bocoran tapi di lihat dari SS nya bakal di dunia Naruto dan di bagi jadi 2 kubu yg baik dan yg jahat, dan karena game ini udah dapet official licensed dari writernya jadi desaign char nya bener2 dari dunia naruto ama bleach. Dan ada rencana buat nambahin char2 dari one piece juga(Lg di rundingkan katanya)
Game ini rencana nya keluar Q1 2011 jadi sekitar bulan 1- bulan 4. tapi di lihat dari web nya yg udah bisa daftar ID kayanya ga lama lagi nih game bisa dimaenin.

Beberapa char yg bisa di pake

facebook :
Forum :
youtube :

Mudah²an aja cepet Nongol tuh Game....

Kalo mau Liat Videonya Disini :

Disini Juga :

Kalo Diposting Disini Kebesaran Framenya, Jadi langsung ke youtube aja deh...

Ne Video Skill nya :

Cheat Pake Fidler yang masih Work

Ne Cheat Instant Misi, Jounin, Chunin dl :

Ne Cheat Recruit NPc Lv 100 :

Ne Cheat ATM XP Terbaru yg di Update oleh God Knows :

Ne Cheat Untuk Buka Hunting House + One Hit :

Ne Cheat Gold dengan menjual Practice Naginata setelah Jalankan Misi Lv1 Hardworking Student :

Ne Cheat Baju Tournament untuk Cewek (Ga Permanen) :

Ne Cheat Baju Tournament untuk Cowok (Ga Permanen :

Mudah²an Masih Kebagian nge-Cheatnya,,,,

Happy Hacking........


Thursday, January 27, 2011

AI War: The Light of the Spire Expansion Now Available as Game Hits Version 5.0

The Light of the Spire

Arcen Games is proud to announce the release of AI War: The Light of the
Spire, the game's biggest expansion ever. Available now for $10 through and coming soon to digital distributors.

The expansion is packed full of new additions.  The "Fallen
Spire" campaign brings in-game linear story elements to the title for the first
time, and culminates in a whole new way to win. Players
with minutes instead of hours should take to the new
Defender Mode, offering bite-sized timed games against crazy AI

Light of the Spire also brings 180 new ships, including the powerful
"Spirecraft" vessel class which stands as the second largest unit class in the game.
New music from composer Pablo Vega, new AI types, map types, bonus ship
classes, minor factions and quite a bit more packs the expansion to the brim. Prepare for a new war!

More information and a trailer can be found here, along with a comprehensive feature list:

AI War 5.0

Arriving alongside the LotS expansion is AI War 5.0, a
massive update free to owners of the base game. Version 5.0 refines the title by
taking the best of all past versions and blending them into the
definitive AI War experience. While the game will continue to grow and
evolve, 5.0 now serves as the foundation for the

With this update, nearly every combat ship in the game has been
rebalanced in an effort to integrate all the new units added over the
past year. Golems have been completely revamped and
the AI have received major intelligence upgrades such as more proactive
retreats, a network of core shield generators, and the new "stalking"
mechanic where it lies in wait until the player is at their most

Players should also be pleased with significant adjustments to overall
difficulty and the shortening of the early part of the game -- allowing
you to "get to the good part" faster. Not to mention tons of
performance improvements, as well as more of a general accessibility
regardless of what level of player you are.

Interested parties can read all the additions, improvements and changes in massive detail here:

Updated Demos

Demos of both AI War 5.0 and Light of the Spire can be downloaded here:

The demo can be unlocked into the full version of the game with a purchased license key.

About Arcen Games

Arcen Games entered the PC indie scene in 2009 with their cult classic AI War: Fleet Command, which was named the 40th best-reviewed PC game of the year by MetaCritic.  Their second year was a busy one, seeing the release of The Zenith Remnant, the first full expansion for AI War; Tidalis, an innovative block-based puzzle with casual appeal and hardcore depth; and Children of Neinzul, a micro-expansion for AI War with all profits benefiting the Child's Play charity, of which Arcen is a platinum sponsor.

Light of the Spire is Arcen's first release of 2011, but fans of the company are also excited about the upcoming procedural adventure game known as A Valley Without Wind.  Originally a one-man shop, Arcen Games has grown to have half a dozen part-time or fulltime contributors to its various titles.

Cheat Reset Point

Pakai Fiddler ya.......

File swf  :

Passwordnya :

Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks audio review

A quick history lesson for all you young people out there before we begin. You know before these new fangled DVDs that you have? Well there was a thing called ‘video tape.’ Imagine that! Films on a big clunky tape! And before that, do you know what we had? Nothing.
That’s right- once a film or TV show was finished that was it- we’d never see it again, unless it was repeated sometime at a later date.
For something like Doctor Who, this was a terrible thing for the fans- sci-fi fans are a strange bunch and we like to watch the things we love again and again. But for Who, what we had were the Target novelizations. They were adaptations of the television scripts, and almost always seemed to be written by Terrance Dicks.
Now, why am I telling you all this?
Because in 1979 the BBC released a version of the classic tale Genesis of the Daleks on vinyl LP. By the way, for those too young to know- vinyl was what we had before CDs. What this release was, was abridged version of the episodes of the story with bridging narration read by the then Doctor Tom Baker.
Now Audio Go have rereleased it on CD, so a whole new generation can get to hear it.
First up, I should mention the packaging, which is a reproduction of the original LP sleeve. And then there is the CD itself, which is a thing of beauty as you can see:

The recording itself is a marvellous artefact, and an interesting piece of old merchandising. But as well as that, it is also very entertaining indeed. For all that we love the story, I doubt there are many fans out there who would deny that it is very flabby around the middle with a series of pointless capture/escape scenes padding things out. Shorn of all that, what you get here is an hour long version which amounts to all the best scenes, including the classic one where Davros and the Doctor speak “Not as prisoner and captor, but as men of science,” held together by some nice narration by Baker.
While I’m a big fan of most of the Who audio stuff, I’d go further with this one and say that it is pretty much essential.

Kumpulan desain garasi car town 3

CBerlanjut dari desain garasi/rumah pada game car town difacebook yang kedua,kali ini saya akan memperlihatkan beberapa garasi yang berdesain unik dan bagus untuk garasi pada car town anda.Untuk melihat lebih besar,silahkan untuk klik kanan pada gambar --> pilih view image / lihat gambar.Kumpulan garasi ini saya ambil dari saja lihat dan praktikan gambar garasi yang bagus-bagus ini untuk garasi car town anda:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cheat Gold Pratice Nagata


cara pakai


Instan Mission




1. Instant Mission (Tp, Jounin, Chunin)
2. Misi Gold Practice Naginata


Check Out Our New Look!

Notice anything different?  The site has gone through a major overhaul.  It's a platform shift to Joomla from just raw PHP, it includes a ton of visual upgrades, and it's organized way better.  In general, it's just more functional, easier to get around, and more attractive.  Not to mention long overdue!

My personal blog has also undergone a transformation, and is now called "Games By Design."  We'll be doing development diaries there as we work on A Valley Without Wind, so watch that space.  That's where I generally talk about in-depth game design stuff in general, actually, but it's been a bit quiet the last few months because things have been so busy.  Hopefully as AVWW progresses, other team members will also be able to contribute there.

Speaking of AVWW, there's a new preview page up for it.  Later this week our goal is to have the first in-game screenshots posted, but the three images that are posted in that preview are all in-game art assets just shown out of context.  We'll be sure to put up some forums for pre-alpha discussion about AVWW soon, too -- though there's a lot with that game we're not quite ready to share, we'll be opening up more and more over the coming weeks and months through the development diaries.

Stay tuned!

Emblem Suit for Free User

Yang dibutuhkan :

1. Cheat Engine 5.6.1
2. Jumlah token lebih dari harga baju yang ingin dibeli.
3. Yakin

Langsung aja ke Tutorialnya ya :
1. Pergi ke Saga Ninja (Desa)
2. Buka CE dan memilih plugin-container.exe untuk firefox.
3. Scan jumlah token Anda
4. Pergi headquarter dan mengkonversi 1 token
5. Keluar dari markas
6. Sekarang next scan scan berikutnya jumlah baru token Anda setelah mengkonversi sebelumnya. Apakah
langkah yang sama jika lebih dari 1 alamat muncul sampai Andahanya memiliki 1 alamat.
7. Klik dua kali alamat dan menambahkan nomor 4 di balik itu, (ex:xxxxxx78 +4)
8. Sekarang mengubah nilai ke 2 dan membeku alamat tersebut.
9. Liat di Option Saga Kamu, Premium khan???
10 Nah sekarang pergi ke shop untuk beli baju emblem yang paling kamu sukai.
11. Kemudian Refresh page
12. Ulangi Langkah ke 3-8
13. Pergi ke Gear trus Equipt deh...
14. Wow kamu make baju embLem.....


Download Fidler disini

 Ne gan buat yang belum punya aje ane kasih linknya ......

Tapi instal ini dulu NetFx20SP2_x86.exe 

Pilih yang ukuran 23.8MB yoooo....

sok atuh sedoottt......


Cheat Engine

Buat yang pada belom punya CE bisa di download disini ....

Selamat mencoba...


Cheat 5 Element

Cheat Engine
Token (lebih disukai di atas 100)

1. Pergi ke Ninja Saga.
2. Buka Cheat engine.
3. Scan Total Token yang Anda miliki di CE.
4. Masukkan Headquarters Ninja Saga.
5. Mengkonversi 1 token saja.
6. Keluar dari Headquarters..
7. Next Scan Total token setelah keluar dari "Headquarters" CE.
8. 1 alamat kembali.
9. Double klik alamat sehingga muncul pada tabel CE.
10. Double klik alamat dan menempatkan 4 ex: (xxxxxxE8 4)
11. Mengubah nilai ke "2"
12. Periksa (tick) yang "Frozen" kotak di sebelah kiri alamat.
13. Dalam Anda Justu Icon, menghapus jutsu terakhir sehingga membuat SATU SLOT di sisi paling kanan.
14. Pergi ke ACADEMY dan belajar Anda ninjutsu KETIGA.
15. Jika Anda mempelajari jurus dengan waktu pelatihan 36 Jam, hanya menunggu
16. Setelah waktu pelatihan, klik Ikon Jutsu dan di sana Anda memilikinya, Anda 3 elemen
17. Jika Anda ingin memiliki unsur 4 dan 5, hanya ulangi 3 LANGKAH - LANGKAH 16.

CATATAN: Semua elemen (level 1 - level 60) bisa dipelajari kecuali keterampilan token
CATATAN: Jika Anda akan menghapus Anda KETIGA ELEMEN Jutsu, Anda akan perlu membeli lagi, sehingga saran saya tidak untuk un-melengkapi Jutsu.

Credit To : Zirinhoj(Ga Tau Nih Siapa,Baru Liat)

n thx to : Hanzo 'wira' Kotaro
cheat ini hanya bisa dicoba bagi free user...

Beberapa Istilah Pada Ninja Saga

Bagi para pengguna NS tentunnya sudah tahu mengenai istilah-istilah pada Ninja Saga, namun apa salahnya kalau saya memposting artikel ini?? oke bagi yang masih bingung mengenai istilah-istilah di dalam game Ninja Saga facebook akan saya jelaskan.

Sleep : sleep artinya tertidur, dimana ketika player mendapat efek sleep maka player tidak dapat menyerang selama beberapa turn, namun ketika player terkena efek sleep dan musuh menyerang player, maka secara otomatis efek ini akan hilang (terbangun).

Restriction : ketika player terkena efek restriction maka player tidak dapat menggunakan semua jutsu, player hanya bisa menyerang dengan normal attack saja.

Reactive Force : yang memiliki status ini hanya elemen tanah/memiliki point pada elemen tanah, jika player menyerang musuh dan terkena reactive force maka secara otomatis player juga mendapatkan sejumlah damage dari serangan player. Misal, ketika player menyerang musuh dan menghasilkan damage sekitar 500 maka HP player pun akan berkurang.

Combustion : combustion adalah keadaan dimana serangan player akan lebih besar sekitar 30% dari serangan yang biasa dihasilkan.

Stun : adalah keadaan dimana player terdiam selama beberapa turn/tidak dapat melakukan apapun hingga status ini hilang.

Purify : adalah sebuah efek yang dapat menghilangkan semua efek negatif yang terdapat pada player saat itu. Efek negatif antara lain : sleep,stun,burn,blind,bleeding, dll.

Blind : adalah keadaan dimana akurasi player menurun tajam hingga 30%, dimana semakin kecil akurasi maka semakin besar kesempatan musuh menghindar.

Burn : keadaan dimana player akan mendapatkan damage sebesar 3% dari jumlah HP musuh tiap turnnya. Note : damage diterima secara otomatis walaupun kita tidak menyerang.

Bleeding : keadaan dimana player akan mendapatkan damage 25% lebih besar dari damage biasa, dengan kata lain player akan menerima 125% dari serangan musuh.

Dodge : adalah keadaan dimana player menghindar dari serangan musuh, dengan kata lain damage yang diterima player adalah "0".

Critical : adalah keadaan dimana serangan yang player hasilkan sebesar 150% atau lebih.

Protection : status yang membuat player menerima damage lebih kecil dari biasanya (skill ini hanya dimiliki oleh elemen tanah).

Fear (Weaken) : adalah dimana efek ini dapat mengurangi damage musuh 15% selama 5 turn. Efek ini berada di genjutsu "Spirit Touch" bisa di dapatkan dari Caim Reward/Invite Friend

Dark Curse : efek ini hampir sama dengan fear(weaken) tapi lebih banyak dikit efek yang di buatnya, yaitu dapat membat damage, critical, dodge milik musuh berkurang 10% selama 3 turn. Efek ini berada di genjutsu "Secret : Dark Curse Ceremony" bisa didapatkan dari musuh hunting house level 5 jika sudah mengalahkannya.

Poison : adalah dimana musuh terkena racun dan dapat mengurangi HP sebanyak 3% selama 3 turn (hampir mirip dengan hell fire) tapi efek ini berada pada pet leiko, dan salah satu weapon yang telah di upgrade di blacksmith house.

Interia : adalah efek yang dikeluarkan untuk mengurangi dodge lawan/musuh.

Numb : adalah efek dimana membuat musuh mati rasa, efeknya mirip seperti bleeding.

Evade : Efek ketika Serangan player Gagal mengenai musuh.

Hamstring : Efek mengurangi damage atau critical lawan.

Noise : Efek mengurangi CP lawan.

Expose Defense : Efek dimana defense kita berkurang

Meridians Cut Off : Keadaan dimana target hanya mengisi sejumlah CP

Chaos : Keadaan dimana player tidak dapat mengendalikan character 100 %

Extreme Mode ! : Keadaan dimana damage taijutsu meningkat

Damage Absorption : Keadaan dimana sebagian jumlah damage yang kita terima akan menjadi HP kita.

Disperse : Efek dimana sedang dalam keadaan buff ( status yang baik . co : protection , cp shield , strengthen ,dll. ) yang dimiliki musuh hilang semua.

Rapid Cooldown : Keadaan dimana cooldown kita berkurang selama beberapa cooldown turn.

Prison : Keadaan dimana kita menjadi stun dan HP dan CP kita berkurang secara otomatis.

Concentration : Keadaan dimana critical rate kita bertambah.

Embrace : adalah dimana HP kita akan bertambah ototmatis selama beberapa turn.

Rage : Adalah Keadaan diamana damage yang kita terima, diterima juga oleh si pembuat jutsu ( 100 % damage jutsu ).

CP Shield : Efek dimana damage yang kita terima akan mengurangi CP kita dan bukan HP kita.

Conduction : Mengurangi Dodge rate 40% dan CP 8% ke musuh (selama 3 turns).

Dismantle : Efek dimana player tidak dapat menggunakan attack dengan weapon. Ini efek kebalikan dari Restriction.

apa lagi ya?? stauku cuman ini, kalau masih ada yang kelewatan tolong kasih tau ya???