Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Status Ragnarok Online
Saya Melihat Request Dari Sini.
Saya Coba Menjawab Pertayaan Anda. ^^
Ragnarok Adalah Game yang Banyak Menarik Perhatian Masyarakat dari Anak-Anak Sampai Ibu-Ibu ato Bapak-Bapak :)) Ragnarok Ini Sangat Mudah Di Mainkan.
STR+ (Menaikan Kekuatan Attack/Kekuatan Berat Barang Anda.)
AGI+ (Menaikan Kecepatan Anda Dengan Cepat.)
VIT+ (Menaikan Ketebalan Darah/MP Anda Dengan Banyak.)
INT+ (Menaikan Ketebalan Kekuatan Magic/Kekuatan SP.)
DEX+ (Menaikan Kekuatan Casting Dengan Cepat.)
LUK+ (Menaikan Kekuatan KRITIKAL Anda.)
Lord Knight :
STR , AGI , VIT , INT , DEX , LUK. (ALLSTAT). *Tergantung Type Assassin Cross Anda.
STR , AGI , VIT- , DEX , LUK. *Tergantung Type Sniper Anda.
Stalker :
?????. *Tergantung System PS RO, dan GM.
STR , AGI , VIT , DEX , LUK. *Hampir ALLSTAT juga. ^^
Semoga Ini Bermanfaat. Bila ada Kata Salah" Mohon Maaf.
Semua Stat Ini Asli Dari Saya Tidak Mengandung Copy-Paste. ^^
Terima Kasih.
Firefox Web Browser v4.0 BETA 4
yyah... Ini yang kita Tunggu" Firefox Telah Melucurkan Versi Terbaru nya yaitu 4.0 Beta 4. Ini Masih " BETA ". Jadi Masih Banyak yang Belum Begitu Perfect.
Cara Install nya Mudah.
Langkah PERTAMA.
Langkah KEDUA.
Langkah KETIGA.
Mudah Kan. ^^ Tapi Bila Kamu Ingin Memakai 4.0 Beta 4 ,Firefox yang lama boleh juga di uninstall ato pun tidak semua terserah Anda. Tapi kalau bisa di Uninstall Aja. ^^
Download : DI SINI
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
Doorknobs...a game for the flatulent
Strange Games reader, and occasional contributor, Duncan Flann sent in an e-mail detailing the gross and violent game of Doorknobs It is one of those marvellous open-ended games that never stops (a little like Beetle Bash), instead when the right situation occurs the game is on.Duncan writes, "We used to play Doorknobs in the house we rented as students. A game would kick off whenever someone
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Admin Gemscool Sudah Bertindak
Sekarang Admin Gemscool Sudah Bertindak Tegas Melawan Cheat.
Untuk saat ini, karakter yang mencurigakan serta hackshield yang mendeteksi program ilegal yang digunakan user. Hackshield ini sendiri terus diperbarui dan ditingkatkan untuk hasil yang maksimal dan memperkuat sistem ke amanan PointBlank.
Ini Beberapa Sangsi Untuk Pelanggaran di Game PointBlank :
Lebih Jelas Silakan Klik Kanan di Foto >> View Image.
Jadi Bagi Yang Pakai Cheat Lebih Baik Berhati-Hati Atau Jangan Memakai Lagi.
Info Lebih Lengkap Disini Forum Gemscool
Monday, August 9, 2010
First International Turf Throwing Festival - Ballaghaderreen 2010
Strange Games reader Rory Walsh (Spire Digital) recently e-mailed me to highlight a brand new throwing competition. Turf and Briquette Throwing. The first world championships organised by ITABTA (International Turf and Briquette Throwing Association) were held in Ballaghaderreen in May of this year. As is usual with strange throwing events there is a mixture of throwing techniques. Is an under
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Aero Golf @ Flambards Theme Park
We are big fans of Crazy/Mini Golf here at Strange Games and being on holiday in Cornwall recently provided the perfect opportunity to combine relaxation with an even crazier version of the ultimate seaside sport. The game at Flambards Theme park (a sort of South Western version of Alton Towers but without the rides, excitement or customers) presents itself as 'Aero Golf', each of the 9 holes
Friday, August 6, 2010
Alliance Valliant Arms
Agan-agan tau game online bernama AVA??
AVA kepanjangan dari Alliance Valliant Arms.
di buat oleh perusahaan terkenal bernama REDDUCK asal korsel dan di distribusikan oleh neowiz asal amerika.
game ini termasuk game yg populer di kalangan online-gamer di seluruh dunia..di rilis pada ahir 2007 dan populer pada november 2008. Dengan memiliki tingkat graphical yang tinggi.
kesel ama Point Blank karena terlalu banyak cheater??
game ini adalah jawabannya.
AVA kepanjangan dari Alliance Valliant Arms.
di buat oleh perusahaan terkenal bernama REDDUCK asal korsel dan di distribusikan oleh neowiz asal amerika.
game ini termasuk game yg populer di kalangan online-gamer di seluruh dunia..di rilis pada ahir 2007 dan populer pada november 2008. Dengan memiliki tingkat graphical yang tinggi.
kesel ama Point Blank karena terlalu banyak cheater??
game ini adalah jawabannya.
Spoiler for AVA:
komputer Agan tdk tergolong komputer baik untuk gaming??
tenang gan..
liat persyaratan spesifikasi game nya dlu gan
Spoiler for Spesifikasi komputer agan:
Minimum Specs
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6600 128mb (GPUs made before this model MAY work, but is not tested or supported) To compare your GPU with the stated GPU, click here:
HDD: Preferably 5GB for furture updates
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7
DirectX Version 9.0C
Recommended Specs
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz or better
RAM: 1GB or more
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 7600GT 256mb or better To compare your GPU with the stated GPU, click here:
HDD: Preferably 5GB for furture updates
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and soon 7 (It is not confirmed how it will run on Windows 7)
DirectX Version 9.0C
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6600 128mb (GPUs made before this model MAY work, but is not tested or supported) To compare your GPU with the stated GPU, click here:
HDD: Preferably 5GB for furture updates
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7
DirectX Version 9.0C
Recommended Specs
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz or better
RAM: 1GB or more
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 7600GT 256mb or better To compare your GPU with the stated GPU, click here:
HDD: Preferably 5GB for furture updates
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista and soon 7 (It is not confirmed how it will run on Windows 7)
DirectX Version 9.0C
dah liat kn??
cuma butuh RAM 1 G ama VGA 128 mb..beekkhh
ane sendiri udh main.cuma berhubung ga ada orang indo yg maen..
jadi ane promosiin dsini gan.gmn??
Perbedaan nya ama PB ??
Ane sendiri ga pernah maen PB gan(
tp setau selain memiliki tingkat grafik yg ini juga di lengkapi denga 'report hacking' service..jdi agan2 yg stress krn bnyk 'cheater' bisa tenang..
ini game dewa bgt gan dari amrik..dan update trus..stiap updateanya pasti ada anti-hack nya yg trbaru gan..jdi klo ada yg nge hack di update lg jdi ga bs nge hack..trus ada lg yg bs ngebobol,di update lg ama ijji nya..begitu strus nya..jdi klemahan game ini emg bwat yg mulai donlot dari awal emg lama bget.krn kita hrs donlot sampe updatan trahir..jdi emg lama gan..ane staon maen gnian jrang bgt ktmu cheater klo pun ada lngsng di report hacking gan rame2 dan akan di tindak lanjuti..
langsung ke web nya aja gan
yg akan agan donlot di situ bukanlah game nya..tapi ijji reactor
jadi donlot ijji reactor nya dlu..bru di situ bisa donlot game AVA
nah seputar pngenalan ijji reactor
ijji reactor ini adalah gerbang dimana kmpulan dari beberapa game2 online lainnya..
AVA trdapat d dlm ijji reactor trsbut
neh ane kasih screenshot ijji reactor nya
yg akan agan donlot di situ bukanlah game nya..tapi ijji reactor
jadi donlot ijji reactor nya dlu..bru di situ bisa donlot game AVA
nah seputar pngenalan ijji reactor
ijji reactor ini adalah gerbang dimana kmpulan dari beberapa game2 online lainnya..
AVA trdapat d dlm ijji reactor trsbut
neh ane kasih screenshot ijji reactor nya
Spoiler for ijji reactor:
gambar yg ane kasi d atas ada lah kmpulan game2 yg ada di ijji..
trdapat 10 game di situ namun SKARANG ijji game memiliki 19 game..dan ksemua game trssebut sudah pasti sangat bgus gan..
yg ane prknal kan bru AVA nya aja gan..
game laennya sama kerennya walopun ane lom maenin game lainnya itu
JADI, pendonlotan di bagi 2 TAHAP
1.donlot ijji (agk lama)
2. donlot AVA yg ada di ijji reactor tsb (LAMA BGT)..knp? krn tiap bulan nya ava melakukan update seperti :map baru,snjata bru,anti-hacker baru,dll..jd agan akan nge donlot full ampe update yg trahir..
tp satu hal yg ane ksh tau ke agan..kalo ni game bnr2 mantep POLL klo agan2 dah maenin..jdi saran ane sabar aj nge donlot nya
Sumber : KASKUS
Bagi kalian yang belom kenal saya bisa baca artikel ini...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tips & Tricks for Winning the Pot
Do you like playing card games? If so, then there are tons of games that you can play and make some fast cash. But in the event you want to have fun while earning money, then poker is the best choice. This card game doesn't just offer you higher odds of winning, but it comes with the amazing thrill and excitement of the game. If you decide you wish to try your hand at the game, then here are some tips and tricks that could be a great help.
Poker is most definitely a game that calls for players to come ready with all their money management skills well in place. This game can certainly aid you in making a quick buck, but it also comes with chances of heavy losses too. It's because of this specifically that handling your money properly becomes all the more essential. Do not take any extreme risks. This is even more important if you're getting ready to play poker while travelling on a cruise ship. Instead of laying it all on gambling, make sure to hold on to money that you may need to use for covering other expenses on the trip.
Know your limitations. This may be the golden rule of gambling. Don't let things drag out and play too many hands. Not playing at every hand is the smartest thing that a player can do when playing poker. Search for the ideal chance or hand before you decide to bluff. Don't succumb to the temptation of playing any hand that comes along, even if you're feeling bored of holding out for a better hand. Exercising patience in situations like this is always to your benefit.
Do not bluff if you don't think you can manage it. In certain scenarios, bluffing does go quite a ways in helping you win at poker by raising the odds of winning and it also makes the game more intriguing. However, not just anyone can pull off bluffing properly. If you feel like you're going to have a heart attack even at the thought of bluffing, then it may be best for you to keep away from bluffs entirely.
Keep your emotions in check. You're only going to enjoy with the game if you're playing it for the fun and the kicks. If you think that playing this game can aid you in getting over things like loneliness, grief and what-not, then you are most definitely wrong. The only way to do well in poker is to analyze the situation and use logic; emotions can affect your ability to think logically.
It's not said for no reason that this is a game of utter delight and joy. However, learning some tricks shouldn't be a stress you out. When playing poker you need to make it a point not to overspend. This will keep you from worrying about losing your money. Go on and have fun with the game!
I play the game at tons of online sites but the ones I use the most are this free online poker games site located here and this other site where I can play online poker.
Check back often as I'm always adding new information and new locations where you can play online poker for free!
Indonesia Berpikir Ikut Blokir Blackberry
Indonesia sedang mempertimbangkan mengikuti jejak Arab Saudi untuk menghentikan layanan ponsel pintar Blackberry. Pertimbangan itu demi memperkuat tekanan terhadap Research in Motion (RIM) agar memberi akses data lebih besar kepada pemerintah suatu negara.
Juru Bicara Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Gatot Dewabroto, menghendaki RIM menyiapkan server lokal agar informasi yang terkirim melalui Blackberry tidak harus melibatkan perantara RIM di Kanada.
"Kami tidak tahu apakah data yang dikirim melalui BlackBerry dapat disadap atau dibaca oleh pihak ketiga di luar negeri," katanya. Gatot khawatir informasi yang dikirim melalui pesan Blackberry dapat digunakan oleh penjahat atau mata-mata.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Associated Press, pernyataan Gatot disampaikan sesaat setelah Arab Saudi memerintahkan sejumlah perusahaan telekomunikasi di kerajaan itu untuk menghentikan layanan ponsel pintar BlackBerry mulai Jumat, 5 Agustus 2010.
Seorang pejabat keamanan Saudi mengatakan, pemerintah tidak mampu melacak pertukaran pesan yang dilakukan menggunakan Blackberry messenger (BBm). "Layanan ini dapat digunakan untuk melayani terorisme," kata pejabat itu.
Tak hanya Arab Saudi, sejumlah negara Arab juga berencana memblokir layanan Blackberry. Ponsel pintar itu dianggap bisa disalahgunakan menjadi alat yang dapat mengancam keamanan nasional.
Kebijakan pemblokiran mulai dirancang pemerintah Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), Minggu 1 Agustus 2010. Dengan demikian pengguna Blackberry di UEA bakal tidak bisa menerima layanan surel (email), pesan, maupun berselancar internet.
Credit : Vivanews
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hello Semua nya..
Salam Kenal Semua. Member.
Saya Contributors yang Baru. Saya Akan Membantu Om Ardian Posting Software,Tips&Trick,Ragnarok Offline,dll Di Sini.
Bila Ada Kata-Kata Yang Salah Meminta Maaf Sebesar-Besarnya.
Terima Kasih.
Happy Blogging.
A Dozen Amazing Tips for Texas Holdem Poker
Getting into playing online poker is quickly turning into one of the most popular activities to pursue on the internet. Players can pick between playing either free online poker games or for the daring or pros, get into online poker for real money. Texas Holdem's growing wold wide due to the massive exposure on television (World Series Of Poker) as well as the Internet over the last dozen years or so.
It's a well-known fact that Texas Holdem has taken the place of seven card stud as the most common and popular poker game in the United States. The reason for this can be credited in part to the creation of online poker, television, film, advertising and online card rooms. One of the other reasons for Texas Holdem's increase in popularity is the facilitation of cheap and anonymous online poker games.
There certainly is no doubt that the internet has made a huge impact on people's lives throughout the gaming world by making playing poker online so accessible. There are a lot of people now that are using the internet for its readily available tools for earning a living online while man others us it primarily for entertainment.
If you're going to be playing poker for entertainment value or to earn cash online you'll need to take the time to learn as much as you can about the game. There's plenty of media available to help you with this such as ebooks, videos, DVD's and so on. Getting your hands on these resources will help lower your risk at all times and you'll find the game much more enjoyable.
If you're seriously thinking about playing the game and working on your Texas Holdem skills then you'll need to ensure that you:
- Have learned all the rules, odds, and hand rankins for Texas Holdem
- Know how to minimize your bad beats and react the right way when you run into one.
- Know how to size up poker hands at a glance, determine the pot odds, recognize tells and identify bluffs.
- Understand that almost all poker players don't know the proper way to check-raise and when they should use this tactic.
- Know the right time to fold and the proper time to make bold moves.
- Know some shifty tactics to intimidate other poker players and make them fold their cards.
- Know the moves that you can use to snatch the top position at the poker table.
- Know a few tactics that will frighten your opponents in minutes.
- Know at a minimum a handful of guaranteed winning tactics that you can reuse to win every time you play!
A serious player needs to learn the best methods to win every time. While I did emphasis that Texas Holdem poker can be loads of fun, players can get put on a bad path and end up losing hundreds of dollars only to be left in confusion. It's not going to work out very well if you're unable to keep on a winning streak for more than a few hands!
This Texas Holdem poker strategy ebook contains some great tips and techniques to become an great poker player and it has a 2 month money-back guarantee which I thought was pretty decent. Check the ebook out if you want some great info on the game for serious players.
If you feel like playing a few games of online poker check out this poker site that I use often.
Tough Hands You Need to Watch Out For
Here are some Texas Holdem Poker hands that are a bit touch to handle and could cause you some trouble. Watch yourself and don't get caught off-guard with these hands.
Texas Holdem Poker is a terrific game, but there seems to be quite a few risky hands that can lead new players into a false sense of security. Don't let yourself be tricked and avoid the below hands to guarantee that you'll have long lasting success in poker.
I would say that a hand of face cards and low cards together have to be the word card combinations that cause players into losing tons of cash. For whatever reason, when new players see a face card they instantly think they have a good hand. I hate to break it to you, but those Q-2 and J-3 hands aren't very good. You need to watch out when a King or Ace drops, alone these cards aren't very good.
The listed pockets will time and time again get to new players. What's even worse, is that when the game is getting tough and you could really use a good hand, players look at these and assume they have a good hand. Unfortunately, this is not true, and putting these cards into play when you're backed against the wall is one of the worst moves you can make.
There's something else you need to watch out for, and these are coin flip hands. Basically a coin flip hand is a hand where after the cards are delt you have about a 50/50 chance to win or lose, based on those cards. The reason a hand like this is dangerous is because you're essentially relying on pure luck to snatch up that pot.
Try and avoid playing hands like this. Players should be going into a poker game with their focus on skill and probability, and be certain (as close as you can get) they are going to win. Relying solely on luck to win a hand is like placing a gun to your temple and playing Russian roulette.
If you want to try your hand at online poker head over to this poker room that I frequent.
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